Thursday, July 17, 2014

Why Women Take Birth Control Medicine

A lot of controversy has been swirling around the use of birth control since the Supreme Court's terrible Burwell v Hobby Lobby inc. ruling a few weeks back. In response, Buzzfeed released an excellent article asking twenty-two of their female contributors why they use birth control meds.

You can read the article here. My favorite, of course, is this one:

A female friend of mine, who made me aware of the article's existence (shout out to my good friend Kristi B.!), pointed out that it's unfortunate that women have to justify - to lawmakers, their employers, etc - their use of birth control meds lest they are assumed to be sluts. I had assumed that we settled the birth control debate fifty years ago, but that's just another testament to the extremism among many of those on the right.

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