Wednesday, July 16, 2014

No Time For Impeachment

Republicans have a new excuse for why they haven't yet pursued impeachment of the president: they're just too damn busy!

Rep. Randy Weber (R-TX) was somewhat more sympathetic to the idea but even he opposed initiating impeachment proceedings “right now,” arguing that the House is too busy to get to it.
“The president deserves to be impeached. Plain and simple,” he said. “But … we have so much on our plate that it’s not practical.”


Got that? They're not opposed to impeachment because the idea is dumber than's just that the Congress that has made past "do nothing" Congresses look good in comparison simply has "too much on [its] plate".

Steve Benen of Maddow Blog helpfully created a graph that compared the amount of legislation passed by Congress:

That tiny bar at the far right end of the graph (how appropriate) represents the number of bills passed by the current Congress. And although it's true that quantity does not necessarily indicate quality, most of the legislation passed has not been substantive:

Out of the 126 laws passed by the 113th Congress so far, only 99 are considered substantive and not related to ceremonial recognitions.
By contrast, 144 laws had been enacted at this same point in the last Congress, and 105 of those were non-ceremonial.


So the same Congress that has had difficulty in keeping the lights on suddenly finds itself too busy to impeach the president (for reasons known only to the crazies)? Perhaps we should be grateful for small favors, but I'm not holding my breath in anticipation of this newfound busyness to amount to anything.

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