On Faux News recently, Steve Doocy had his hair on fire about "Obamacare":
The CBO said yesterday at the end of this year, 42 million people will still be uninsured. 42 million! We blew up everything for one or two million while 42 million are still going uninsured? That’s not what we were sold.
So...wait a minute: now Republicans are trying to argue that the law doesn't go far enough?
This sure is a change from the line we've been hearing about how so-called "Obamacare" is "Socialism" because it goes too far in helping the uninsured. Bereft of any actual policy to improve the health care law or bring new ideas to the table, Republicans seem willing to attack Obamacare from the left.
Quite an awkward position for the party who has never seemed to give a damn about the uninsured - until it's politically convenient.
Happily, there is evidence that cynical Republican policy isn't working - even in states that are receptive to the GOP:
Despite strong dislike of President Obama’s handling of health care, a majority of people in three Southern states – Kentucky, Louisiana and North Carolina – would rather that Congress improve his signature health care law than repeal and replace it, according to a New York Times Upshot/Kaiser Family Foundation poll.
The poll also found that a majority of Kentucky residents – and a plurality in a fourth state, Arkansas — said they thought the health care marketplace in their state was working well, even as they expressed strong disapproval of the health care law. More than twice as many Kentuckians say their state exchange is working well than say it is not.Source: NY Times
It's pretty pathetic when even voters who are sympathetic to your views just aren't listening anymore. But then again, that's what happens when you have no ideas other than "Obamacare bad. Repeal Obamacare" - the voters get sick of hearing it and want to hear policies that will actually benefit the country.
Republicans have lost this fight. Time to move on.
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