“The president claims his economic agenda is for the middle class. But it’s actually for the well-connected,” Paul Ryan, the GOP’s 2012 vice presidential nominee, wrote this week in USA Today, rejecting Obama’s latest proposal for a corporate tax cut. “There’s no doubt that it works well for them. But for the rest of us, it’s not working at all.”
Ryan, in his brief commentary, protested that Obama is “interested in tax reform for corporations — but not for families or small business.” He further accused Obama of implementing health-care and regulatory policies that favor big businesses and big banks.
That’s rich.
Source: The GOP Flips the Script on Obama
The Republican party's sudden shift to the party of the 'little guy' is nothing short of amazing.
Let's remember that this is the party that opposes regulation of any kind, opposed Wall Street reform, and constantly fights against people who work for a living (labor). In fact, most Republicans are quick to label as "Socialist" anything that smacks of even being moderately disapproving of big business.
Now the party of Donald Trump, Mitt Romney and the Koch brothers is suddenly positioning itself as the party of "joe six-pack"?
One just can't help but be astounded at the sheer chutzpah.
An aspect of this situation that Milbank did not address in his column is this: the fact that the sudden shift from a party of the rich and powerful to the party of "the little people" is less about genuine concern for the poor and more about cynical politics.
Republicans are desperate to do whatever they can to defund so-called "Obamacare" before it takes effect next year. So single-mindedly focused are they on this goal that many of them are willing to risk major political blowback by shutting down the government if Obama does not cave to their demands - a tactic that even uber-conservative Charles Krauthammer denounced as crazy in a recent column.
Unfortunately, Republican efforts to defund and/or discredit "Obamacare" are not going so well; there have been encouraging signs that health reform is actually working extremely well in those states that are already implementing changes: in Washington, Oregon and Maryland, insurance premiums are turning out to be lower than expected.
Sources: Medical Daily
Washington Post
Republicans are left with few alternatives, so that means falling back on a tried-and-true tactic: throwing everything at Obama and seeing what sticks. If that means crying crocodile tears about the poor being screwed over in favor of the rich, in an attempt to discredit a federal program that will benefit the poor by allowing them to purchase health insurance, so be it. Destroying"Obamacare", it seems, is more important than, you know, actually giving a damn about the "joe six-packs" of the country.
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